MeRT: A Breakthrough Brain Treatment To Improve Your Quality of Life!
This drug-free, non-invasive treatment has achieved some miraculous results.
Your Brain and MeRT
How MeRT Can Bring Balance To Your Brain
Your brain is a marvel. It contains approximately 100 billion nerve cells (neurons). These nerve cells communicate via brainwaves on specific pathways in the brain. Additionally, the more often a pathway is used, the stronger it gets. But when forces—either internal or external—disrupt brain activity, these pathways can become weaker, or completely unused
These forces may include the following:
- Trauma to the head such as a concussion
- Depression or Major Depressive Disorder
- Emotional trauma or high amounts of chronic or acute stress
- PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder)
- Drug or alcohol addiction
- Illness or disease such as stroke or Parkinson’s Disease
- Developmental disorders such as Autism, ADD, and ADHD
- Dementia
- Anxiety
- Sleeping disorders
Some people can still function in their day-to-day activities after experiencing one or more of these forces. Others, however, have no quality of life. But there is a solution: By restoring the unused, weakened pathways, MeRT can bring balance to the brain.
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The 3 Components of MeRT
MeRT, or Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy, is customized for each patient. Specifically, this cutting-edge treatment uses the combined technologies of:
(quantitative electroencephalogram)
This non-invasive procedure involves placing a cap
on your head and uses electrodes along the scalp to map your brainwaves.
At the same time, this procedure measures electrical signals coming from your heart. This helps us target the therapy to be as accurate as possible.
(transcranial magnetic stimulation)
After the two procedures above, this third procedure uses magnetic coils placed along your scalp to stimulate exact areas of the brain with gentle pulses.
The Steps of MeRT Treatment
MeRT is non-surgical, non-invasive, painless, and completely drug-free. The steps of MeRT treatment are as follows:
Testing and Evaluation
On your first appointment, we perform the qEEG and EKG tests right in our office. Then, once we complete the tests, we can then analyze the results to see exactly how your brain is functioning.
Analysis and Treatment Plan
We use a scientific and patented approach when analyzing your test results. Based on this analysis, we develop a treatment plan customized to your specific condition. At this point, we can schedule your assessment period of treatment.
Assessment Period
Once your treatment plan is in place, you’ll receive therapy five days a week. We perform this therapy in two-week intervals. In each session, you’ll sit in a comfortable chair while a highly-trained technician places a magnetic coil on your head. There’s no pain or discomfort involved: the device simply brings about mild electrical signals in the targeted areas of the brain.
The sessions are fast since you typically spend 30 minutes in the chair each time. Moreover, the specific time of stimulation is just 6-8 seconds every minute
Progress Evaluation
As you progress through your daily treatments, we’ll monitor your progress concurrently. In so doing, we can confirm how you feel and track improvements. Then, after two weeks of treatment, we will perform a series of tests to review your progress and make any needed modifications.
If there is a positive response to treatment during the first two-week period, you’re likely to notice some improvements. At that point, we’ll generally schedule additional treatment in two-week intervals. Most conditions require six to eight weeks of MeRT treatment for the best results.*
Currently, MeRT is FDA-approved to treat Major Depressive Disorder. Treatment for all other conditions is considered “off-label” at this time. However, we anticipate FDA approval soon for Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
*Results are based on strict compliance with our treatment regimens. Results may vary based on each individual and are not guaranteed.
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Benefits from MeRT *
MeRT benefits are different for everyone but may include:
- Improved Sleep
- Increased Relaxation
- Better Concentration and Focus
- Improved Memory and Mental Clarity
- Decreased Pain
- Better Mood
- Improved Ability to Cope with Stress
- Increased Attention Span
- More Motivation
- Fewer Cravings (such as drugs or alcohol)
- Improved Emotional Stability
- More Clarity of Thought
- Increased Ability to Adapt to Change
- Improved Self-confidence and Self-esteem
Our Doctor
Dr. Spencer O. Miller is a well-respected and highly esteemed Neurologist who practices both in Dallas, Texas, and Oklahoma. He is the Medical Director of Brain Treatment Partners OK. He received his medical degree from the University of Mississippi School of Medicine and has been in practice for 15 years, 5 of which were in the US Air Force, where he saw many serious head injuries, and cases of PTSD and TBI.
Dr. Miller now specializes in MeRTSM (Magnetic e-Resonance Therapy) for the treatment of autism, traumatic brain injury, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and multiple other neurological conditions.
He also speaks multiple languages, including Spanish.
MeRT Treatment for PTSD Featured on The Broken Brain Podcast
Mark Hyman, M.D., is a highly-respected physician and best-selling author. He founded the Cleveland Clinic Functional Medicine Clinic and created a podcast called The Broken Brain. This podcast focuses on anything that could affect the brain and overall health, from diet to sleep to therapy.
MeRT was featured on an episode of The Broken Brain as an exciting new treatment. In this episode, Dr. Erik Won from the Brain Treatment Center talked about how he used MeRT to treat members of the military. Many of these veterans had traumatic brain injuries or concussions. And many experienced PTSD as a result of their experiences. Dr. Won discussed some of the incredible successes achieved with MeRT treatment.
If you or someone you know has experienced conditions such as PTSD or major depression, we highly recommend you watch this amazing podcast.
MeRT Treatment for Autism Featured on “The Doctors”
Many children with Autism have seen miraculous results after going through MeRT treatment.* “The Doctors” interviewed Dr. Spencer O. Miller, who has been using this treatment. They also spoke to some moms of kids with autism and heard their amazing success stories. Click here to watch this episode!
Questions About MeRT? Need More Information?
Contact Our New Patient Coordinator
Our New Patient Coordinator is available to answer any questions that you may have about how MeRT can help you. She’ll take the time to listen to your concerns, answer your questions, explain costs, and put your mind at ease. She can also assist you in getting scheduled should you decide to move forward with treatment.
We understand what you may be going through, and our goal is to help guide you through the process with quality care in a warm and compassionate environment.
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For more information or to speak with our New Patient Coordinator, please fill in the information below.